gaza sderot

TIME : chronological navigation

Two videos are shot on the same day, one in Gaza (Palestine) on the left, the other in Sderot (Israel) on the right. Two moments in life that respond to each other; that explain and confront both points of view.



The different episodes are marked with orange spots. Click on the spot to charge the two videos of the day.



To surf from one day to another.




When you move your cursor on the videos, you have various options
Comment : to give your opinions and impressions
Share : to integrate the video on your website / your blog
Volume : to regulate the volume
Fullscreen : to see the video in fullscreen-mode
Back : to go back to the presentation of both videos

FACES : personal navigation

The portrait-gallery makes it possible to know more about the different people and see directly their videos.



Click on one of the portraits to charge the information.




By clicking on one of the small vignettes, you can play the video. You always can come back to the portrait-gallery by clicking on another portrait or on the button „Back“ in the video tools.

MAPS : geographical navigation

Two maps localize the places where the videos have been shot. Two places, very close to each other, and where life is similar and different at the same time.



At all moment, you can zoom and displace yourself on the maps.








By clicking on one of the small vignettes, you can play the video. You always can come back by clicking on another place of the map or on the button „Back“ in the video tools.

TOPICS : thematic navigation

On both sides of the border, central terms that define the videos are indicated. You can see all videos on a certain topic by clicking on one of the terms.









By clicking on one of the small vignettes, you can play the video. You always can come back to the topics by clicking on another topic or on the button „Back“ in the video tools.

// Tags Arte