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Gaza-Sderot Redaction de Paris, a dit il y a 5924 jours
Note du traducteur : Chez les Palestiniens, on désigne souvent les Israéliens par "les Juifs". Ce n'est pas forcément une expression d'antisémitisme mais plutôt une manière de parler populaire. "Juif" peut donc tout simplement signifer "Israélien".
Tout dépend du contexte.
Gaza-Sderot Redaction aus Berlin, gesagt vor 5924 tagen
Übersetzungsanmerkung: Auf Arabisch nennt man Israelis häufig "die Juden". Dies ist nicht unbedingt ein Ausdruck von Antisemitismus, sondern eher eine volkstümliche Bezeichnung. Danach hängt natürlich alles vom Kontext ab.
Miryam, from Istanbul,Turkey, said 5925 days ago
Sefian is happy today, because they could get good result of fishing, he is more optimistic and tightly holding on to life, sure he does not seem to enjoy life. More I want to understand what goes on more it becomes a little impossible too, because I think, may be there is no any clear true fact, but many different factors influencing his everyday life. (Some day no gas, another day fear of sailing away....
Miryam from Istanbul,Turkey, said 5925 days ago
I found out that the same video below, under the title "Share this video" is working well.I apologise for my false alert.
Miryam from Istanbul, Turkey, said 5925 days ago
I am not sure but is there any technical problem with this 29th October video of Sefian Baker in Gaza City Port?
I tried it many times, after 19 seconds of playing, (after the words "we have two shifts, one for every 48 hours") it stops and returns to the beguinning.
John from Jerusalem, Israel, said 5925 days ago
two days ago this guy claimed that there is a siege and he has no gas, no food, no work .... nothing...
today life is beautiful, no siege, have everything..
how come?
Miryam from Istanbul,Turkey, said 5925 days ago
Yes John, I find it strange too. May be the word "siege" is a little bit exagerated, or may be there were days that the borders were closed to any entry or exit of goods, forbidden for some time by the Israeli government, but may be even during those days, they are finding any smuggled gas, or one of them had money and found any from any blackmarket if it exists, I really wish could go and ask him to see if he is or not telling right the true, or exagerating everything...
ro from paris, said 5925 days ago
John, are you sure that in this video he is saying that life is beautiful? Do you really think that you see someone who is enjoing life?
John from Jerusalem, said 5925 days ago
I'm not saying he is enjoying life and i really think life in Gaza is tough but it seems like his mood changed too fast for his situation. i think he is exaggerating more then he has too and it doesn't work on me.
Gaza-Sderot Redaction from paris, said 5925 days ago
In Arabic, Israelis are often called "the Jews". It is not necessarily antisemitic, but rather a popular way of speaking. Everything, of course, depends on the context.

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An optimistic Fisherman

Sefian is in better mood. Fishing has just been good. But going fishing still entails taking risks with the Israel navy.
October 29th, 2008




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Meanwhile in Sderot

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