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philippe messineo de paris, france, a dit il y a 5906 jours
Le principe est généreux, l'idée est astucieuse. Il faut espérer que ceux qui regardent le font sans a-priori et sans haîne.
Mais quand tous seront persuadés que ttous les hommes aspirent à vivre en paix et peuventt, à la rigueur, comprendrent les problèmes ou les soucis de "ceux d'en face", la paix sera toujours à faire si la même terre ne peux être mise en commun.
Quoi qu'il en soit, bravo à tous et bonne chance
gerhard ertl wien aus austria, gesagt vor 5907 tagen
Erschütternd vor Augen geführt zu bekommen, unter welch widrigen Umständen diese Menschen leben müssen und die Welt, vor allem die verantwortlichen Politiker sieht/sehen tatenlos zu.......
Enrique from Israel, said 5907 days ago
I wonder where the staff of Gaza-Sderot was filming their clips yesterday and today, when Sderot and Ashqelon were the target of Kassam missiles attack. Two civilian people were wounded and scores more needed attention due of being under shock. The clips would be more realistic than those shown here. For example look what happened at Ashqelon yesterday at the site.
Lana Matar from Palestine, said 5907 days ago
"Elections and lies!" I liked the subject very much, but I don't like the way when a state collectively punishes a nation for their votes decision! Democracy is not a lie when it moves on the right line.
Marlene Saunders from U,S.A., said 5908 days ago
We are planning a trip to Sderot this July 2009. Can we get to the border of the Gaza Strip from your city? We are Christians how can we pray for you? God's Blessings

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Elections and lies

The results are coming in. Disappointing. Sason : "I've been lied a lot".
November 14th, 2008




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Meanwhile in Gaza

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