israel forever!
from israel forever!,
5852 days ago
israel left gaza and gaza citizen choose the hamas. now, the hamas concerned the gaza
citizen life? no! the hamas only care about killing more and more israeli citizen!
the hamas send kasam and grad missile to israel and kill israeli citizen every day!
gaza citizen get killed only because the hamas shoot on israel citizen and soldier
from the gaza citizen. every day israel give
*** the hamas can stop the killing immediately by stop rocet missile !!! ***
israel forever!
de israel forever!,
a dit
il y a 5854 jours
israel left gaza and gaza residents vote for the hams.
no, did the hamas treat the gaza for economy? no!
they only care for sending kasam and grad missile to israel citizen !
israel close the barriers onley after the hamas use the open barriers to send
terrorist attack to israel.
the hamas use gaza citizen as a barriers thay steal all the humanitarian supply that
israel alow to send, hamas don't care abot the gaza citizen they attaks Israeli
soldiers from school and citizen concentration.
the hamas murderer fatah people. the hamas don't want peace.
israel left gaza and gaza residents vote for the hams.
no, did the hamas treat the gaza for economy? no!
they only care for sending kasam and grad missile to israel citizen !
israel close the barriers onley after the hamas use the open barriers to send terrorist attack to israel.
the hamas use gaza citizen as a barriers thay steal all the humanitarian supply that israel alow to send, hamas don't care abot the gaza citizen they attaks Israeli soldiers from school and citizen concentration.
the hamas murderer fatah people. the hamas don't want peace.