General conditions
With the Website ARTE France is proposing a multimedia-platform based on short video formats that will show during two months daily life in Gaza and Sderot. ARTE France will offer its users the possibility to post their comments on the Website during this time.
The Users will have the possibility to post comments while watching the program or while consulting the “Blog”.
Each person who posts a message declares being aware and accepts the terms of use.
The present conditions can be modified at any moment by ARTE without a preliminary advice of the users. It is convenient to consult periodically the current version.
Terms of use
To post a comment on the site, the user has to
- Click on the buttons “share” or “comment”
- Fill in the following information
- Surname, Name
- City
- Email address
- The language of the post
- Write the message
- Send the message
The posted messages will be put on the site and will be visible at each consultation.
Furthermore, when a user clicks on the button “Share”, his messages will be sent via email to the other users who also decided to share their comments.
The obligations of internet users leaving a comment
The member who posts a contribution on the Website commits himself not to do the following:
- Violate consciously or unconsciously a local, regional, national or international law. Namely:
- All the dispositions including private life, intellectual property, media law (instigation of racial hatred, call to violence, revisionism or negationism, xenophobia), brand law and picture law;
- the legislation relative to computer and internet-fraud;
- rules that apply to public order, for example the dispositions regulating pornographic and paedophile contents;
- the legislation for the protection of minors;
- Talk in the name of other persons or organizations.
- Be aggressive or excessively violent in their word choice.
- Divulgate a deliberately wrong information in order (or not) to harm others.
- Upload and/or publish contents containing a virus.
- Harass somebody through the repetitive sending of same or very similar messages.
- Divulgate information on illegal or violent activities, or activities appealing for violence.
- Behave in a manner possible to harm the image or the reputation of ARTE
- Send personal insults against other users or/and members of the website.
- Advertise any kind of trademark without the preliminary agreement of ARTE
The user commits himself not to paste links into his commentary that would be contrary to the present terms of use.
The contents of the interactive platform of this side are moderated a posteriori.
The moderators reserve themselves the right to apply the above-mentioned rules banning temporally or definitively commentaries or parts of commentary in conflict with this rules.
The moderator’s decision cannot be objected. By posting a contribution you commit yourself to respect the moderator’s authority as well as the above-mentioned dispositions.
Responsibility and guaranties
The User guarantees to ARTE that he owns the necessary rights for the publication and/or the share of the comments hep posts. This includes rights on Intellectual Property, author rights and the right of reproduction, diffusion and trademark rights.
The User recognizes that every comment he posts is under his exclusive responsibility and guarantees ARTE for any reclamation that can be made.
The User is responsible for the links he posts as well as for the contents and the products on the sites those links refer to.
can not be held responsible for the suppression or the alteration of the posted comments.
Personal data
The User who posts voluntarily a comment on the site accepts that these contents will be visible on the site and is informed of the fact that they can be collected. Their later utilisation is not under the responsibility of ARTE
In application of the law n°78-17 of 6th January 1978 on informatics, files and liberties, the User who posts a message on the site has the right of opposition (art. 38), access (art. 39, 41, 42) and rectification (art.40) of his contents. He can ask at any moment the suppression of this contents.
Site modification
ARTE France reserves itself the right to modify or to deny punctually, sporadically or definitively the access to one of the Users, with or without previous advice. The User agrees that ARTE can not be held responsible for the modification, suppression of interruption of the site.
Appliable law – Litigation
The present terms of use are subject to the French law. In case of litigation, the tribunals of Paris are the only competent institutions.