ARTE France
Enterprise with a capital of 9.147. 314, 64 euros RCS Paris n° 419 388 673
Head office: 8, rue Marceau à Issy Les Moulineaux 92785
N° tel :
Publishing director
Mr. Jérôme CLEMENT, Chief Executive Officer
For the Multimedia platform :
SAS au capital de 100 100€
17 rue Réaumur
75003 Paris
RCS PARIS B 480 288 976
Tel : 01 70 616 616
For the videos :
Akamai Technologie
SARL au capital de 7622,45 euros
121 Avenue des Champs Elysees
75008 Paris
RCS Paris 429429269021
N° tel : 01 56 69 62 00
Informatics and Liberty
According to the law n°78-17 of 6th January 1978 on informatics, files and liberties, every user who made a contribution has the right of opposition (art. 38), access (art. 39, 41, 42) and rectification (art.40) of his contents.
He thus can require his contribution to be corrected, completed, clarified, updated or erased if it is incorrect, incomplete, false, obsolete or if its collection, use, communication and conservation are prohibited.
Every user can assert this right by writing a letter to the following address:
ARTE France
Service Internet et Multimédia
8, rue Marceau
92785 Issy Les Moulineaux
Intellectual property
All the elements on this website, amongst others the programs, the writings, the illustrations, the audio-files, the images and the videos (including screenshots) are world widely protected by copyright.
Every illegal reproduction of the contents on this site is strictly forbidden by law.