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lonely cloud from london, said 5744 days ago
honestly, it's really hard to be touched by any art work when you see the incredibly cruel and beautiful patience of the other guy in Gaza, waiting at the same time to get some real bread and feed not only his soul and fantasies, but his body and this of his family.
John from NY, said 5794 days ago
beautiful works, very interesting ideas...
i hope we'll see more of that man
josuah from suisse, said 5795 days ago
Beautiful,imaginative and useful working.
Nicanor from Paris, France, said 5797 days ago
Good useful colorful work !
Thank you Haviv !

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When a reptile turns into a butterfly

The sculptor Haviv has conceived a reptile made of concrete for a playground. It is a symbol of Protection and cradling inside, but also of hope that, one day, it will turn into a butterfly
November 27th, 2008




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Meanwhile in Gaza

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