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Silla from paris, said 5926 days ago
The videos from Sderot start with phone calls...
it gives a good feeling how the people are closed up and therefore needing the telephone in order to communicate
Kirilov from Paris, France, said 5925 days ago
Agreed. The political bind, but also the fact that nobody wants to leave his life or his family, everything seems to make it difficult to breath, on both sides of the wall! This war creates a sort of strange open jail. Thanks you all for giving these people a chance to express themselves on their living conditions...
Miryam, Istanbul from Turkey, said 5925 days ago
Agree too.Yes a sort of strange suffocating open jail, like a nightmare, one cannot know when it will end. Thanks to you all, we can here them and may be they will read our comments and may be they will feel a little bit better, at least not totally alone.I wish could all people from both sides of the wall could communicate, with trust to each other ,realise that they have very commun difficulties in their life due to this war, and finally people of both side joining, supporting morally each other to put hard pressure on their leaders to end this war.

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Avi macht sich zur dritten Hochzeit auf

Nur einen Monat nach seiner ersten Hochzeit wird Avi wieder seine Frau Laura, eine Filmemacherin aus Kalifornien, heiraten - diesmal in den USA. Die erste Hochzeit fand in Sderot statt und ihre Eltern sind aus Angst vor Kassam-Raketen beinahe nicht gekommen. Nun fährt Avi zu einer weiteren Heirats-Zeremonie nach Kalifornien.
30 Oktober 2008




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